Structure Editor : File Formats : JSP Tool


This format was used by the JSP Tool application produced by IDK Data & LBMS. It is divided into a number of PROCESS sections, each of which has an OPERATIONS list, a CONDITIONS list, a QUITS list, and a DIAGRAM section. In addition each process and the program as a whole can have a free-text header and trailer.

The DIAGRAM section is a composed of the following columns :-

Below is a an example of a JSP Tool format structure file (in this case containing 'C' code) :-


Thu May 31 17:31:18 GMT 2001 Keywood JSP/JSD Workbench FIBONACCI
/* This program prints out a table of Fibonacci numbers. 
   These are defined by a series in which any element is
   the sum of the previous two elements. The program 
   stores the series in an array, and after calculating
   it, prints the numbers out as a table.

void main()
int fib[32];
int i;

   1. fib[0] = 0;
      fib[1] = 1;
   2. i = 2;
   3. fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
   4. i = 0;
   5. i++;
   6. // Print each number and its Fibonacci product
      printf("%3d   %6d\n", i, fib[i]);
  C1. i < 32
   1    0     67     20 B B B 0    Fibonacci
   2    1    -90     97 B B B 0    Initialise
   3    1     45     97 B B B 0    Calculate
   4    1    225     97 B B B 0    Display
   5    2    -90    174 B B & 0   
   6    3      0    174 B B & 0   
   7    3     90    174 B B B 0    DETAILS-3
   8    4    180    174 B B & 0   
   9    4    270    174 B B B 0    DETAILS-5
  10    7     90    251 B * B   C1 Iteration_1
  11    9    270    251 B * B   C1 Iteration_2
  12   10     90    328 B B & 0   
3, 5
  13   11    270    328 B B & 0   
6, 5